Spring Cleaning with Your Spine in Mind

Whether it's a little (or a lot) spring is a time that a lot of us decide to clean up around the house. Whether you're getting your home in order or doing your regular chores, it's imperative that you be keeping your spine in mind. 

3.7 million Australians experienced lower back pain in 2015, which can be attributed to something even as simple as everyday chores. Vacuuming, mopping, washing dishes, these are all activities that lead to extra strain on the spine. Whether it be because of bending at the waist or having poor posture when doing repetitive movements, with the average Australian spending up to 30 hours a week on housework it's easy to see how these factors may accumulate. 

Giving up on housework all together isn't the most practical option, so here are a few handy tips to keep your spine in line:

Straighten Up

When vacuuming, mopping, or doing any activity that you would typically hunch over to do, attempt them in a lunge position and keep your spine straight. This may help to improve posture and reduce aches and pains. 

Share the Load

To help reduce strain on you back and neck when doing the dishes place a foot inside the cupboard under the sink. This should help straighten your spine by allowing you to squat lower. 

Lifting Objects

When you are lifting objects, bend at the knees rather than the waist whenever possible. Keep the item as close to your body as possible. Make sure you are using both hands and stand slowly when picking things up. 

Take Breaks

Avoid constant strain by taking regular breaks. Set timers at 30-minute intervals to let yourself know that it's time to take a break. Stretching when taking these breaks may also help in reducing strain. Stretching before and after you finish would also be advantageous.