What is T.B.M?
T.B.M. (Total Body Modification)
T.B.M. (Total Body Modification) is a technique that is used to find the organ or area of the body that is stressed, determine why it is stressed and correct the problem by restoring balance to the nervous system.
In other words, while basic Chiropractic is used to correct the Structure and influence the function, T.B.M. corrects the Functional Physiology (how the body works) which may, in turn, influence structure. Both are essential to optimum health.
In the early days of Chiropractic, the “old time Chiropractor” was not restricted or confused by “scientific proof” of what they were able to do. These old masters found a problem and corrected it, thereby, building the reputation of Chiropractic with their main philosophy being that the power that made the body, could correct the body.
T.B.M. has taken that philosophy and explored the possibilities inherent in the human body of self-regeneration. T.B.M. has demonstrated that if the right thing is done to the body at the right time and the right way, wonders can happen. By taking the techniques of the old Chiropractic masters and combining them with modern technology, T.B.M. has been able to duplicate the corrections and restoration to health that the old masters were able to do.
How Does T.B.M. Work?
The nervous system is composed of the Central Nervous System, which runs the voluntary function or movement and the Automatic Nervous System which runs the involuntary functions of the body, such as heart beat, digestion, etc. Each of these systems are further divided into Sensory and Motor Fibres.
The brain is the primary control for both branches of the nervous system. Sensory Fibres carry messages to the brain where they are processed, like a computer, and the brain in turn, tells the body what to do.
Research has proved that under sufficient stress, from any reason, the neurones in the brain centres which are controlling the stressed organ or body part essentially depolarise. This is like blowing a fuse on an electric circuit. The message gets to the brain but fails to return. The result is that the brain (computer) loses effective control over the afflicted organ or body part. This leaves the organ or body part running out of control.
Using tries and tested reflex points and muscle testing, the T.B.M. practitioner can find the problem. The practitioner will then stimulate a specific area or area of the spine in a specific manner in an attempt to stimulate the neurones in the brain to repolarise (fix the fuse) and allow the brain to regain control of the body and guide it back to health. Since a correctly functioning nervous system is a major requirement for health, it follows that T.B.M. can have a part to play in almost any problem and uncover and correct the roadblocks to recover.
T.B.M. Research
At this point in time T.B.M. is able to test and correct most of the known body functions. Through the efforts of and thinking of many innovators within the Chiropractic profession, a body of knowledge and repeatable technical procedures has emerged to correct what is termed functional physiological malfunctions.
Over the years, scientific data has validated much of what began as a theory. But the results that have been attained have given the impetus, the confidence and the desire to find out more about how the body really works. Research is an ongoing activity in T.B.M. and each year brings new discovers.