The Four P's of Posture

Proper posture is an essential aspect of a happy and healthy life. Poor posture can increase pressure on your spine, causing back pain, fatigue, tension, and other adverse outcomes. Here are four Ps to help you keep track of your spinal health. 


Take steps to make your environment spine friendly. Height adjustable desks are an excellent tool for those who work in office spaces, as they allow you to change position. Changing frequently between sitting and standing is a great way to reduce pressure on your spine as staying in one position for too long is associated with excess pressure on the spine. Look for elements of your life that put tension on your spine. Keep things like your phone and mouse within easy reach on a work desk to avoid stretching over your desk to reach them. 


An important aspect of spinal health is the position in which you hold your spine. You should always avoid hunching and slouching. Make sure that you are sitting against the back of your chair, keeping your spine well supported. Keep your head, shoulders, and hips inline on top of one another with your feet flat on the floor while sitting. When standing, keep your head, shoulders, hips, and feet in line on top of each other. 



Building and implementing good spinal habits rely on you to practise correct posture. It takes time for these kinds of good habits to sink in. An essential step in this process is to practise every day to help your body remember the right position. You can set yourself reminders to check your posture to help you remember. 


A stretching program is an excellent way to help improve posture. Even something as small as 3 minutes of stretching in the morning can help you avoid future spinal issues. There are apps designed to help you with this. Like the Straighten Up app developed by the Australian Chiropractic Association. 

For further information on improving your posture, you should speak to a chiropractor or other health care professional.